
Hermes Cogra Holding PLC, Hermes-Holding PLC and Hermes Trade Holding PLC with headquarters in Duebendorf / Zurich, Switzerland are the parent organisations of the following companies that are involved in the international trade of raw materials:

Compagnie Grainière (founded in 1926)
Hermes Alloys
Hermes GabroStone
Diverse Beteiligungen

The subsidiaries are suppliers of a wide range of raw materials to industrial consumers. Europe, Asia as well as North and South America are the geographical centers of their activities. Hermes Cogra Holding PLC, Hermes-Holding PLC and Hermes Trade Holding PLS are privately held companies under the same ownership and employ some 50 people.

Hermes Trade Holding

Phone ++41 44 801 12 00

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